Friday June 18
Coming up on another weekend. This week went by pretty quickly. And the next couple of days of course go the quickest.
Lot’s of problems at work this week, I guess that helps make the days go by quickly. Because I never get to what I plan to do. Last weekend we were home and got a lot done. Saturday we bought Chris a Nook, the Barnes and Noble version of an electronic reader. It is pretty cool, she can easily download a book when she wants a new one. She will be spending some time with Mary Jane after she has her tonsil surgery in just over a week. So while she is baby sitting she will probably be doing a lot of reading.
And I finally got around to ordering some new glasses. The last pair we had a teflon coating on, which they said made it easier to clean, which it did. But I also swear it made it get dirtier that much faster. They seemed to attract dust, dirt , when they got near skin they smeared. So I was happy to get a new pair. I was at the eye doctor a few weeks back. I had to wait a month to get in, that was probably a mistake to wait rather than go anywhere else. The time before, a few years back, I had gone to one of the optical place and the doctor there did a good job of my prescription. Here the eye ‘technicians’ did all of the work and the doctor waltzed in at the end. And I took vision insurance this year which was supposed to cover most of the eyewear cost also. So I looked at glasses at the doctors office and they had to call me back with the cost a couple of days later. They needed $300 for the glasses. That just did not seem like a good deal. So we stopped at eye mart express Saturday which was also in the vision plan. They treated us well, I picked out similar glasses and no line bifocals that I had looked at, and a pair of sunglasses with a straight distance lens, and got both those for $125. What a racket.
Last weekend was Oshkosh Irish fest. Chris and I went to Sunday Mass and then I was serving beer for 4 hours. Chris hung around and listened to music, and we both spent more time there when I was done working. They did a nice job, but had rain and cloudy weather. Still a decent crowd, and I guess did OK Saturday.
Wednesday night was my homebrew club meeting. We have a pretty large group and some good brewers. The problem is trying to taste too much! And last night was Oshkosh Waterfest, 2 local band that I like a lot were there, and then Little River Band was the headliner. Chris was in Appleton, her group was serving supper to a Women’s group that is building a Habitat for Humanity home. So she was doing good and I was listening to good music. I met lot’s of friends and the weather was great. Tonight we are missing the storms that are hitting Milwaukee. I planted some of the flower seeds my sister in law gave me and pulled some weeds. Now we are heading out to listen to a friend who plays in a blues band. Tomorrow night to Milwaukee to have dinner with Skip and Claire, and spend some time with Mom!
Everyone else have a great weekend also! Sounds like good weather in Wisconsin.
I’ll be interested in seeing the Nook when you come up, I’ve been lusting after one of those e-readers, but waiting for the prices to come down.