Dec 21

Happy Holidays


Before we shut down for the holiday, I just wanted to say one more time, Merry Christmas. We have lot’s of old friends out there we don’t see or talk to enough. Thanks to this computer at least we know that each other are still out there. MJ is home and we are very blessed. We will spend this evening with my Mom and tomorrow with my brother and sister in law and niece and nephew. To those we won’t see you are still in our hearts and prayers. We all have been blessed in some way, and life could still be worse. And we have been blessed with knowing you.

Here are our wishes for a very Merry Christmas, and continued blessings in a healthy 2008.

Enjoy Life!

-Randy & Chris

4 Responses to “Happy Holidays”

  1. Merry christmas from Efficent Design!

  2. admin says:

    Happy Hoildays from Craig!

  3. Denise says:

    Merry Christmas from Denise!

  4. Skip & Claire says:

    Merry Christmas from the Bauers

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