Jan 05

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone!   I made it down to Florida on the 29th,  some flight issues but still made my connections.   MJ and Chris were already here and we had some nice days.    Although it has been cooling off since after New Years it is still bright sunshine, and the sun feels warm.   MJ left to be home New Years and we made it to the beach before she left.  It was a little windy that day but still crowded.

For New Years Eve Chris and I joined the Enders in Fort Meyers.  As usual they showed us a great time,  we rang in the New Year on New Years Eve and again on New Years Day!     We came home on Saturday and have been catching up with friends here in Boynton Beach.   More people are starting to come into the condo’s now that the holidays are over.  And while it is cool for south Florida it is still much better than the north!

We were supposed to leave today for home,   but when I tried to check in yesterday I could not.  So called the 800 number and she could not see why I could not and transferred me to IT support.  At first he thought it looked good but saw some notifications,  and then figured out they had the first leg of our flight on for 1/5/10 and the second leg for 1/4/10.  That did not work out.   So lot’s of time on the phone with a nice guy.   But he could not get us to Appleton on Delta or Northwest without making several stops.   What’s up in Appleton?   So we decided to stay another day and we have our original flight times, getting into Appleton after 7 pm tonight.  My boss is OK with it so we have an unexpected extra day to relax.

So it looks like it will be awful cold getting into the parking lot tomorrow night and starting the car!  But we will be back,  at least it does not look like there has been much snow that will need to be cleaned off the driveway.   I am sure it would have all been packed down into ice by now anyway.

So we had a good start to 2010,  and we hope you all have a healthy 2010.


One Response to “Happy New Year”

  1. Darren says:

    The cold weather is a gift from God to help make your transition back to WI easier.

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