Jul 16

July 16, 2011 off to Door

Trailer almost all packed,  truck hooked up.  We will be off shortly to Door County.  Our annual summer vacation.  Hard to believe though that summer is going by so quickly.  Hopefully some f the days can slow down the next couple of weeks!  I hope to get some golf in, and some bike rides.  And time to just sit with friends and catch up with their lives.

So I hope everyone else is enjoying the summer.  Take time to smell the roses!


One Response to “July 16, 2011 off to Door”

  1. mtdroz says:

    Chris and Randy I miss you both. Almost wish I would have stayed to go with you to Door County. Maybe next year. I’m glad I’m home. It’s really hot here. All is well. But lonely. Hope you are having a really good time and it’s not to humid. Love Marie

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