Mar 09

March is not in like a lamb

copy-of-schlitz2.jpgAnd it does not seem to let up!  Officially over 7 inches yesterday,  and most of my driveway seemed like more.   We did have some melting today, but by Wednesday night it is supposed to be close to zero,  again.   This is March?

So we try to keep busy to think about having some fun.  Last week the Fox Valley celebrated the return of Schlitz and had a party at one of my favorite places,   which I made some time to attend.  I bowled that night and my bowling suffered after having several good nights!  Oh well.  And the last couple of Friday’s we have volunteered at ST Raphael’s fish fry.  They run all through lent.  They have had record breaking nights.  Usually the first night is the slowest, they served 725 last year on the first night.  This year we served over 900 and ran out of baked haddock, baked potato’s, french fries,  potato salad, macaroni and cheese, bread!  And last week they served over 1100, the food was better stocked but still were running out of things at the end of the night.

Saturday night I volunteered with my homebrew club at Hops and Props, a fund raiser at the EAA museum.  A great place to have an event.  And 5 bands and lot’s of great beers.  Needless to say I had a great time.   Chris picked me up at a local establishment after she reminded me that the clocks were moving ahead that night and we had to get up in the morning.

Sunday we went to 9 am mass and afterwards met a number of the neighbors at Robbins restaurant for brunch.  They have very good food and selection and it is nice to get to talk to some of the people who we don’t see much of during the winter!  It’s not like I stop outside to talk much in this weather!

And then of course came the snow.   We are hoping that Spring will really come this year.   We plan to visit MJ and John at the end of April.  No Florida trips currently on the calendar – although I sure would like to be there!

2 Responses to “March is not in like a lamb”

  1. Darren says:

    Great picture Randy. It loos like a commercial for Schlitz, except for the Hacker Pschorr coasters, Miller Lite poster in the background and the ?Guiness? sign hanging above you. We still don’t miss the snow and with temps averaging in the 80’s for the past week aren’t missing the cold either. I do miss all the choices for fish fry, but our church (actually Knights of Columbus chapter) puts one on so we can get our fix of greasy fried food on Fridays during Lent. So, is the Schlitz as good as you remember it? No, not the Schlitz with the chunks in it, the original recipe. Great picture, no doubt a good time was being had!

  2. randy bauer says:

    Hard to remember back to the original, and I have had a lot of different beer flavors since then! But a very drinkable beer yet. I would love to take you to Oblio’s sometime. Tin ceilings, history and about 20 good beers on tap! I would take the warm weather and less choice of fish fries.

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