Apr 15

Monday April 14,2014

Since we have been back from our Florida trips we have managed to stay busy.  Work has been busy for both of us but we have been trying to take plenty of time to relax as well!   Our Wisconsin weather this April is unpredictable.   We have had a first full week of good weather with temperatures above average.   That has been the Only week like that.  Chris and I have volunteered the last couple of Fridays at the church fish fry.  The first Friday was during a winter storm warning, and when Chris and I left church it was howling winds and snow.   But we did get back to some nice weather and I have had a chance to do some yard clean up and clean up in the boat house.  But the warm weather is only flirting with us.   This weekend Oshkosh had 6 inches of rain, which finished with about 3 inches of snow this morning.   Snow covered roads and jack knifed semi’s this morning.  This week will stay well below the average temp of 53 for this time of year.    We had someone who wanted to tour the house last week, but still not the right person,  no offers yet.

A few weeks back we went to the Heidel House in Green Lake Wisconsin for a brew fest!  The Heidel House has been a resort for many years and a group of us took advantage of reduced room rates to make a weekend of it.  We had a great time.  The resort is wonderful and the company was great!  And I think we had a few good beers!    This last weekend we took a northern Wisconsin tour, heading up to Marinette county.  We got away with friends Steve and Janet.  Unfortunately the weather did not co operate, with cold and rain.   But we still got a quick look at their cabin and driving through the country side.   We had a nice lunch at the 4 Seasons Island resort on the Michigan border.  The drive in on a single train bridge is a nice welcome to a nicely maintained resort with lot’s of character.   We headed from there to Marinette to spend the night at a bed and breakfast.  A completely redone early 1900’s house, full of character with stained glass windows and beautiful wood work.   It was a lot of fun and certainly interesting.   And in the house also resides a “70’s Martinni Bar”.   Interesting to have a beautiful Victorian house that includes a full bar and living areas with zebra furniture.  Oh and the bar is always open to guests, on the honor system!  Our room certificates from the MPTV auction included some drinks, which we took full advantage of!   Before the weekend was over we also managed to fit in a winery and a couple of brew pubs.  It certainly was relaxing and we probably ate more than we needed.   But I did get on the treadmill tonight, probably another week of that and I will wear off half the calories I put in this weekend.

Easter weekend coming up, and we hope for good weather.   We hope everyone’s basement is dry, and you have a nice Easter weekend, what ever that may be for you.

Heidel House crew

Heidel House crew

after brewfest party

after brewfest party

Our room at the Victorian Inn

Our room at the Victorian Inn

Victorian Inn living area

Victorian Inn living area

Bar room

Bar room

5 Responses to “Monday April 14,2014”

  1. Judy says:

    I was expecting pictures of ice shoves

  2. Deb and John says:

    Happy Easter to you and Chris, too! Miss you guys!

  3. Craig says:

    Wow, looks like a great trip, lovin that bar!

  4. Verna says:

    Very nice pictures. Sounds like a very fin time. Hope you had some GOOD beer,haha.

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