It has been a busy weekend so far. We accomplished a lot. Finally getting the gardens to where they should be. Pretty late in June for that but it is a strange year. I bought some flowers last Saturday and finally have a nice day without rain to do something with them. Trying the impatience this year with some marigolds in front. I went to a seminar last week on deer and landscaping. Deer don’t like the marigolds so maybe it will keep them from eating off the impatience. Also added some milorganite to the soil, the deer don’t like that smell either! So spent the better part of the day in the dirt. A couple of highway runs for supplies and to the dump for recycling.
Our road is under construction,bringing us city water. So the road is a mess, especially with the weather we have had the last couple of weeks. Oshkosh still trying to clean up from the floods this week. Thankfully the rain stayed south of us today, sorry Milwaukee. Construction crew keeps a generator and pump going 24/7 pumping out the trench they are working on. They keep a coupld of spots with pipes in back of where they left off Friday afternoon. I guess so when they come back out it won’t be full of water. Last Sunday in the downpour the manager of the crew had to come out. The whole road was covered in water and the hole was washing in. Tough to know how big the hole is when the whole road is covered in water! So he filled in part of it with gravel and by Monday morning the water had drained off the road. And surpisingly even after the flood later in the week they were able to keep working. I’m hoping by next weekend they are complete in putting the pipe in. Still challenges after that but making progress. So tomorrow a day of rest, going to Milwaukee to see Mom for part of the day. Hope all have a good weekend.
see more pictures in a new gallery.
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