Aug 13

Thursday August 13th

Almost through the week.   Weather staying nice, maybe it is summer.  But with that I have been seeing the geese flocking up a lot the last week or so.  There were a couple of hundred out front this morning.  And the Sand Hill Cranes are always just 2 or 3 together, and saw about 15 together this morning.  The mums are blooming and the sun is setting earlier.  What does all that mean?

Had some freinds from the homebrew club over this week and we had a nice pontoon ride and a few good beers.  OK,  maybe more than a few.  Next week we have the club picnic here, so have been cleaning up the boat house and preparing.  The food line gets set up in the boat house, and weather is looking like it may hold for next week, slightly cooler but good.

MJ traveled to Florida with her time off.   In time to find out our air conditioner was out,  so that has been taken care of.  Tme for Chris and I to start thinking ahead to when we get to go down!   But for the next 2 months we have our weekends pretty well booked.  Irish Fest this weekend,  Father Bob’s bar b que in Wauwatosa next week, neighborhood picnic the following week, then off to New Mexico for a long Labor Day.   Then Enders October fest time, and then some camping at High Cliff State Park.  Just not enough time to have fun!

So we will be listening to a lot of music this weekend, love those fiddles and pipes.  We hope you have some fun this weekend!

One Response to “Thursday August 13th”

  1. Carol Hunjadi says:

    Busy, busy, busy!

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